Section 9.36 of the Alberta Building Code 2014 covers the building components and systems in a house. These components include the building envelope, doors and windows, heating and hot water systems, as well as any ventiltion . 9.36 compliance can be accomplished by using 1 of 3 paths.
Municipa Affairs Alberta states the 9.36 compliance paths as follows:
- Performance. The expected energy performance characteristics for the building are met using a design prepared by a qualified professional. This approach offers the greatest possible design flexibility while still meeting energy efficiency goals.
- Performance using Simple Trade-Off. The expected energy performance characteristics for the various building elements are met, however, within in each building element, i.e. exterior fenestration, it is possible to ‘trade-off’ increased performance in one element for reduced performance in another (i.e. increase wall insulation to allow more less efficient windows). This can be done by the builder without needing to engage a professional designer.
- Prescriptive. The expected energy performance characteristics for the various building elements are met by following the prescribed approach set out in the Code. For example, by following the prescribed level of thermal insulation and amount of windows for the region where the building is to be constructed.
HOT2000 energy modeling software. Included in our modeling fee is the completion of the required forms for the different jurisdictions.
Contact us today to discuss your options when dealing with 9.36.
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